
Hey there, I’m Renee Lynn.

Most days you can find me at home with my husband and two kids. I am mostly known for my creativity and thoughtfulness I bring to every area of my life.

People often refer to me as a great mother; however I’d beg to differ some days. I have very high expectations of myself. This trait allows me to over-think, and you got it…. STRESS over the littlest of things.

The things I am most passionate about in life are my children. I have a duty to teach and help shape them into self -sufficient, caring, and inquisitive humans.

So, what do I DO?

I love serving the world by sharing my experience and lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Believe me, I’m still working on it…. and that’s ok!

I speak to women who struggle with the image of who they should be as a woman, wife, and mother.

The opportunity to give them the tools to navigate through the of complexities of Mom-ing, Adult-ing, and Wife-ing makes me feel lucky.

I give the gift of acceptance to all of the women who follow me in through this journey called life.

When I’m not busy working on sharing the truth about the things, you can catch me

  • Hibernating during the Wisconsin winter
  • Binge watching the same handful of shows on Netflix, over and over again…
  • Pinterest-ing for a new recipe to try, interior design ideas, or a fun craft project
  • Taking my young son to the local children’s hospital for frequent appointments due to a birth defect and subsequent medical conditions he lives with
  • Creating a to do list in more than one notebook

If you are dying to hear more, here are four things you might not know about me

  1. In another life, I was a competitive cheerleader on a all girls squad.
  2. Cottage cheese…. I can’t think about it. Look at it. Let alone eat or watch someone else eat it without getting nauseous. Gross!
  3. Mornings are my favorite, the possibilities seem endless.
  4. I get motion sick in the car if I’m not driving. Geez, I’ll sometimes even get sick when I’m the one driving.

Still here? Let’s connect!
