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Introducing Honest Lemon!

Well, I’m doing it!

I’m starting a blog about “all of the things“, and will be writing articles surrounding being an adult, mother, and woman in the most truthful form I can.

My personal journey through life (so far) has taught me more things than I can keep in my own head. I’m going to share it with you; in hopes you can learn a thing or two along the way.

We are all desperately trying to exude the appearance of perfection. Whether it is attaining material possessions or posting about your “epic” weekend on social media, is it that important?

I mean, does it really matter?

So, I’m guilty of allllll of that. Most days I seem to have it together, but I’m really just a hot mess, trying to improve myself one step at a time.

I want to share REALISTIC tips and tricks on how to be better at this life thing. A little help goes a long the way, right? I wish I would have had more guidance in many areas of my life. Would it have been “easier”? Who knows, but it is what it is.

I learned from doing things and figuring it out on my own. Doing the research. Practicing. Making mistakes (lots of them). Following through. most importantly, being stubborn and not giving up. Ever. Basically, I’m a “do-er”

So, here we go!

Thanks for being here, this should be fun!

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A thirty-something truth teller about being a woman, mother and professional adult.

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