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Spring Cleaning: 4 Ways to Success

No one likes cleaning.  I hate it. And if you neglect it for too long, it can become an overwhelming project THAT WILL LAST FOR DAYS.  Want to get it done fast? Yes, you do! The secret is to be prepared and have a plan of attack.

Winter in Wisconsin is not for the faint of heart.  The weather is unpredictable, but one thing you can count on is it will snow.  

And then it will snow some more.  

There will be weeks where it doesn’t get above 0°F. Your house becomes a cave where you hide. You are left questioning your life and why you live where it hurts your face.

When it FINALLY gets above freezing, it feels like a heat wave. So, after months and months of this crap, I welcome spring with open arms.

You bet I’m opening up the windows when it is 60°F!

Springtime is a great opportunity to open up your house, get some fresh air, and clean up the mess you’ve been living in all winter.

Spring Cleaning

When I see the first robin, I get this itch to clean up all the clutter that has accumulated in each room.  The film of dust on the light fixtures stands no chance with me! Cleaning the windows inside and out until they sparkle.  

My mind is less busy when I have a clean house. A very good reason to clean for a woman like me that deals with overwhelming anxiety.

Soooo, another big issue is finding the energy to do this.

Seasonal depression is a real thing folks!  You can have this on top of normal depression, which I have…

#blessed #hashbrowns (inside joke… just say it out loud “hashtag hashbrowns”, has a ring to it right?!)

It takes a force from deep within to push myself to get this done. My main motivator is knowing how good I will feel once it is DONE.  

I’ll flip through magazines and ideas on home decor or Spring activities for the fam, or head over to Pinterest and search for things like this for inspiration. Click here

Ready for this?  Let’s get it!

Are you ready to do some cleaning? Skip the article and get your FREE Spring Cleaning Checklist and Planner, get it below!

Cleaning Step 1: Planning

Where do you start Spring Cleaning?  With a plan silly! Follow these steps.

Gather these supplies

  • Notepad / Paper
  • Pen… basically anything that can make a mark on some paper
  • Tape
  • Your people (cleaning crew)

Make a plan

Sit down with the fam, talk about what you want to get accomplished and set some goals.

Do you want to focus on the kitchen and finish it in two days?  

Or tackle the bathrooms first?

Should your family be going through their closets at the same time?

What is your timeline?

How many hours a day or week can you spend?  

Write down clear goals and get everyone on the same page. Separate goals and tasks per room.  

These FREE printable templates will make your job super easy and organized.

Delegate like a mother, this doesn’t have to be all on you woman!

Post your plan in EACH ROOM

Use tape and attach the plan for each room on the door that needs cleaning.

This leaves no room for questions or excuses from your family.

Check off each item as you go!

Cleaning Step 2: Declutter

Nothing is worse than trying to clean up a room with clutter and junk everywhere!  

It will take so much longer to get the job done. Do yourself a huge favor and declutter BEFORE starting to clean anything.

Gather your supplies

  • Paper/ post-it notes
  • Pen
  • Tape
  • Baskets (laundry baskets work just fine)
  • Boxes or bags for donate/ sell items
  • Garbage bag

Start in ONE room

Try to tackle the hardest one first. You’ll thank yourself once you are done!

Do a quick sweep of the room, pick up items that do not belong in that room and place it in one of your baskets.  

Continue through the room until you are done. All items that belong in the room, put it away in the proper place.

Have you come across any items that you want to donate or sell online or at a garage sale?  Label these with a slip of paper and place in a box. Put donation items in a central area, like the garage, or basement.

***Pro Tip***

Having a designated area for donations or sellable items in your home is a great idea!  This may be a closet, basement, or garage.

The items should be labeled.

Can your items be sold on the Facebook marketplace?  

Or will you have a garage sale?

Mark your items accordingly, so it will take less time sorting these items in the future.

Re-home the items in your basket

This should be a quick task! When you are putting these items in the room they should be in, do not worry about putting it exactly where it goes

Except if that room has ALREADY been de-cluttered!!

Repeat this process

Repeat this process in each room, until all items are in their homes.

Now that your home is de-cluttered.. You can do some actual cleaning!

Cleaning Step 3: Get your CLEANING Supplies

Where do you store your cleaning supplies?  

Are they in a hall closet, or in individual rooms?  

Now is the time to gather what you need for your first tasks, based on the plan you’ve made.

I like this caddy on Amazon, carrying all the products from room to room is a breeze. It has a larger bucket underneath that you can use to mix up your cleaner, mopping your floors or a garbage can while you move through your home.

cleaning sponges
  • Cleaners
    • Toilet
    • Glass
    • All purpose
    • White vinegar
  • Duster
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Sponges and scrub brushes
  • Mini scrubbers for window sills,  like these ones!
  • Paper towels
  • Gloves
  • Broom
  • Mop
  • Vacuum

Cleaning Step 4: Batch Cleaning

Batching work is a known way to be more efficient, saving you time!! You’re welcome!

Floor Rugs

Remove all floor rugs and shake outside.  Depending on the type throw in the washing machine or spot clean.

Light Fixtures

Dust and clean light fixtures and fans – you will have a step stool or ladder for this, move from room to room.


Are the screens really gross?  Probably after the long winter. Follow these steps for clean screens.

cleaning windows
  1. Remove the screen and take outside. Vacuum both sides  Mix a tbsp of dish soap with a ½ gallon of warm.
  2. With the screen upright, use a microfiber cloth or soft bristle scrub brush to clean from top to bottom.  
  3. Spray with a hose and set aside to dry.

While the screens are drying, it is an excellent time to wash the windows and sills inside.


Grab your duster, microfiber cloth, or your weapon of choice may be.

Moving through the house starting at the top and work your way to the bottom.  

Remove picture frames and decor from furniture or shelves, dust and wipe clean the surface.  Now you can clean the items you removed and put back in place.

Baseboards, Doors, and Trim

Depending on the level of dirty your baseboards are, this could be a perfect task for little people.  Give them a slightly damp microfiber cloth, and then let them get busy. If there is too much dust, take the vacuum with a brush attachment to it first before wiping down.  Bigger little people can handle this task also.

Take a microfiber cloth to doors, trim, and hardware also.

The Floors

Hardwoods, tile, and carpet. Each needs to be cared for in a certain way. Decide which type you will start with and do ‘like” rooms consecutively. Moving from room to room with the vacuum is MUCH easier to do than pulling it out for each room individually.  The same goes for sweeping and mopping

cleaning vacuum

So, You Ready?

Let’s recap!

  1. Get a plan together
  2. De-clutter
  3. Gather your supplies
  4. Batch cleaning tasks when possible

Most importantly, don’t get discouraged! You got this! Perfection is not a requirement here… as long as you are taking steps in the right direction, you are doing AMAZING!

Download the absolutely FREE Spring Cleaning Checklist and Planner here!

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A thirty-something truth teller about being a woman, mother and professional adult.

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